Ebola virus - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention

Ebola virus – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention

The Ebola virus belongs to the viral family Filoviridae. Scientists also call it Filovirus. These virus types cause hemorrhagic fever or profuse bleeding inside and outside the body accompanied by a very high fever. Ebola can be further divided into subtypes that are named for the location they were identified. These include:

  • Bundibugyo

  • Reston

  • Sudan

  • Taï Forest (previously known as Ivory Coast)

  • Zaire

The Ebola virus likely originated in African fruit bats. The virus is known as a “zoonotic” virus because it’s transmitted to humans from animals. Humans can also transfer the virus to each other.




Ebola virus - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention


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